I would like to create a better engine sound for the game. I have some incar audio I got off Youtube, an mp3 to raw converter, everything I need (I think). I just need to know what pitch to start at, how long the sample should be etc. I have never been totally satisfied with the engine sounds available. The best I have is one supposedly taken from a sample of Adrian Fernandez's car.
I can tell you that I am an musician and concentrated on the tone height of the real engine from CART video clip sounds. And of course this tone height is not the one that is available from the pure raw file. But from in game it seemed realistic. I have used a realistic CART sound I think out of the game Cart Precision Racing. The sounds files that you would like to input have to be in 11khz, mono, 8bit format named fullloop.raw for another engine audio.
Good luck
Thanks Oli,. I knew about the 11Khz, 8 bit mono part. What I need to know is how long the sample should be, and any other setting I need to replicate the sound.
I've tested this new sound. I have your previouse pack with sounds for different Indycar periods. And this is better. But distortion on high revs create some little looped noise. Maybe it's my soundcard.