12-03-2006, 09:58 AM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2009, 01:10 AM by fastwalker.)
Hello Folks,
I've decided to compile all the things I?ve learnt about icr2 into a book. The motivations is to have all info need to customize the game and create new tracks, carsets and tools in one volume. The intention is not to replace the tutorials that already exists but to be an additional reference to the game. Also, I've plan to write about all the topics with my own words, but of course a lot of information would not be possible without the things the icr2 community has discovered along the years.The latest version can always be fetched from this first post.
That's a cracking idea fastwalker. The nearest thing I've seen before is Steve Smith's ICR2 Guide which shipped with the U.S. version of CART Racing (never saw it with the UK Indycar Racing II release). Managed to buy a copy when I was in Boston in 1997 - still got it somewhere - but it concentrated largely on setting up and driving the car and the tracks. A version like you're planning, concentrating mainly on editing, would be invaluable.
Ed, I am not sure whether Tjerk uploaded it (I think so, as it was on CREP), but Croix-en-Ternois was converted from GP3 to ICR2. I have worked on a few others, but none really to completion. It is a rather tedious job as GP3 allows for sections every 4-5 metres and that gives horrible drawaheadproblems.
IIRS Driver Champion (2005-2007, 2010-2014)
IIRS Team Champion (2004-2014)
12-29-2006, 11:07 PM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2006, 11:08 PM by EdwRom.)
Yep, Croix is available. I was hoping to see some of the current tracks, like Spa and Silverstone. I'm assuming that there has to be an Assen and a Zolder tracks for GP3. Then, again, they may be available for GPL, but in older configurations. Oh, yeah, how about a Zhuhai track?