NASCAR Legends 68 - 70 Carsets
I put together a 1968 carset for Nascar Legends! This felt like the first year the default carshapes could pull off as it was when the Torino/Cyclone started racing in the series. 

The carset features 51 drivers and 53 different cars. I spent quite a while researching everything and hope most of the cars are accurate! I did them all on "68" model year car styles since the bodies don't quite work for the older 66 and 67 cars.

I also redid the wheel textures, darkened the driver model (so its more of a silhouette) and adjusted the car to only show the non-wing bodies.

I hope some folks enjoy, its available on my new site for classic sim addons!

[Image: image.png]
I have posted a full 1969 carset as well, as the series was just before the winged cars started making their appearance.

The carset features 53 different cars for all of the major drivers in the season as well as a lot of the special Riverside entries of USAC stars. 

I have also updated the cars.dat to fix a few pacecar issues and added an update for the 68 set to use the same cars.dat as well

[Image: image.png]
I have posted a full 1970 season carset for the sim. This carset is a full replacement for the default cars

It includes 65 cars with all the notable drivers and teams and some special entries. I have also spent time updating the carshapes to more accurately reflect the real world cars

I have posted updates for the 68 and 69 sets as well with these changes

Hope people enjoy!

[Image: runby70.jpg]
Thanks for those, one carset for use in place of the vanilla one was well started a few years ago but I don't remember from whom it was. This game is 25 years old these days, so that's a nice touch you tackled those.

Some former hosting site for reference :

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Looks impressive, and very nice website as well. Would you host tracks from other people as well, i.e. for NL?

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