(04-23-2023, 12:14 AM)JR82 Wrote: Is it possible to make the final hairpin as it was in real life not as it appears in the game?
you mean super tight and not a big constant radius wide corner?
I hope so.
I have my SG file done, and I converted it to trk/3d and 3do
I am not sure what will happen and how much wider it will have to be to avoid warping.
On the SG file through the hairpin I have the "centerline" of the SG very close to the outside of the corner near the wall. Checkpoint10 actually put the centerline outside of the drivable section of the track when he did Nashville so he could get much tighter corners. He was able to avoid warping this way- so you can get tight corner geometry. We think this may be why you can't quality in nashville though- since the cars appears in spots outside of the track drivable surface.
I will do some testing and see if I get warping before moving onto objects.
I did some calculations based on checkpoint10's calculations. The center line in the design I have is more than 80ft apart- which seems to be the number where if you get closer than this- warping will occour.
I am hopeful I can learn from his experiences that this will NOT warp. I don't know yet. I may need to widen up the corner more.
Here you can see the "REAL" gps track geometry, and the SG file. My hairpin is not exactly as tight as real life- but it is WAY tighter than the papyrus version (I previously overlayed the papyrus 3do and my 3do - it's a big difference)
You can see my walls- and I highlighted my "centerline" with a yellow marker.
Even if you approach the right side of the hairpin- you are still closer to the center-line on your left.
The center line on the exit of the hairpin is more than 80 feet from that on the entrance.
I would love to know more what Pavel thinks about this. If this works I owe major credit to checkpoint10 for the research he did in nashville. I can only image the time he spent testing SGs!!!!