What is the Status of This Forum?
After SRMZ died, and a few other forums pertaining to older sims and games i play, ive become very worried about loosing anymore, such as ICR2.net, ive since resorted to backing up every file i can find here in case of this, it seems that the last two years have served as the death of many old sims, which is sad, im not sure if its money, or lack of activity, but I would be very sore to find that this forum as well had suffered this fate, i know that one day it will, but with absolutely no backups for SRMZ available, it has dawned on me that these old sims will soon loose their communities entirely, while GPL used to be my favorite papyrus sim, i can no longer rightfully install it, lacking many of the files once hosted on SRMZ, and to see this site go, would truly be a crime against humanity, as ICR2 has since become my favorite Papy Sim. anyone who can let me know what is happening around here, and if there is anything i can do to help maintain the legacy of ICR2 and NR would be helping me a ton. And also helping the remainder of the community.
I think if you look around and read the threads, you'll see what is happening around here. And yes, there's things you can do to help; get involved, decides what interests you, start doing it, ask for help when you need it, give help when you can, don't be trollish (that's my job).
I don't play GPL but from what I know, it is much more complicated to mod than ICR2 and the resources on SRMZ was an integral part of getting the game updated to modern standards. However, for ICR2, besides official game patches (which you can find archived on a site like RaceSimCentral) or fully patched version of the game (which can be found on archive.org), there is not much else that is critical to play the game. So I think a disruption to this site would not be as devastating as what GPL players may be experiencing, but of course I hope that never happens to us anyway and I think we should credit Tjerk who has been awesome in keeping this site maintained.

Having said that, there are things that are probably good for us to have archived that we can't easily recreate if there is a site closure. Those would be the tracks and carsets (especially the ones using a non-default carshape), Winmip and ICR2 Manager and other tools essential to edit carsets, Papy N3 track modding tools, the 3d23do tool by nooRok (who has been missing in action for a year), and various documents describing file formats.

I agree that it is easy to lose things forever on the Internet, and I know firsthand because I used to make lots of tracks for CART Precision Racing (back in the late 1990s) and I lost most of them after I closed my site, discarded my old PCs, and there has been no community around that game for many years.
I can be very short about that, this site won't go. Both Tjerk and I will keep supporting. Obviously reallife things will mean we are not that much online, but we do keep an eye on things.
IIRS Driver Champion (2005-2007, 2010-2014)
IIRS Team Champion (2004-2014)
If you guys ever have a way we can donate I would be glad to help pay for the costs of the site.
We appreciate the gesture, but we are happy to say it isn't necessary to donate.
IIRS Driver Champion (2005-2007, 2010-2014)
IIRS Team Champion (2004-2014)
Echoing the sentiments in this thread, with the “delay” of the new IndyCar game, I came back to this again and rediscovered how amazing it is. I do wish there was a way to donate as I don’t have great skills in painting etc.

The one thing I feel like I might be able to work on would be track creation or ai. Is there any good resource to start with there?
It's always great to see new people interested to work on something for this old game Smiley There is basic tutorial on main site Tutorial section and some other useful links https://www.icr2.net/tutorials.html
Also we have this topic with many questions and answers https://www.icr2.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1315
(03-27-2023, 03:00 AM)Pavel 69 Wrote: Hi,
It's always great to see new people interested to work on something for this old game Smiley There is basic tutorial on main site Tutorial section and some other useful links https://www.icr2.net/tutorials.html
Also we have this topic with many questions and answers https://www.icr2.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1315
I took the journey from complete n00b to being able to edit and make my own tracks. Many of my projects and struggles are well documented here- maybe some of my build threads will help you.

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