Detroit downtown circuit (WIP thread)
Congrats with cool track preview! I haven't watched this race yet. But I will watch in next few days for sure.
Continuing to work on Rendition-ready Detroit. I was able to get all the marks done, so now I'm adding back all the trackside objects, area by area. After adding the pit straightaway, Renaissance Center, and the tall apartment building with the tunnel in the back, the track already uses 34 mips. So I will probably need to do some more combining to avoid hitting the limit.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2338]

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After combining many of my wall textures into just 2 mips, I decided to keep adding trackside objects until I hit the limit (without doing any further combining of textures). As expected, I managed to get a lot farther through the track before the garage stopped working at 52 mips.

51 mips = track loads, garage works
52 mips = track loads, garage doesn't work

I am using my script to calculate the number of mips actually used, and ignore any others in the folder.

At this limit, I am left with mostly the office buildings along the back side of the track. I should be able to combine at least 4 building textures into one, at least for the smaller buildings. I can also combine the bridge adverts (saving 2 mips). I think I can also combine some of the default wall textures "wall0.mip", "wall1.mip", "armco0.mip", "armco1.mip" and save at least 8 mips that way. And apologies to Mr. Axelson, I may need to remove his fans' banner to save another mip!
It's funny that ICR2 does not have a root folder for common textures like GP2 does. GP2 uses a "Gamejams" folder to put JAMS in, and then each track has its own subdirectory with track specific JAMS so that some of the common stuff doesn't have to be redundantly stored.
Practicing a new way to make a building. This one uses no mips - it's all just a bunch of polys. I am working on a program that helps me make rectangular polys faster, especially where it repeats.

I think this can potentially make sharper looking buildings. I may try to switch as many buildings over to polys only, perhaps leaving textures only for advertising, track walls, and buildings with a lot of detail where the driver gets up close.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2342]

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Another reworked building - this one was made by repeating one 128x4 texture - 28 times, or one per floor. Not using the tiling trick. Rather, this is 28 textured polys on each side, stacked on top of each other. The ground floor was 2 pixel rows of the texture, stretched to appear taller.

3do is 15656 bytes
mip is 700 bytes

Comparing this to the original Detroit: the 3do was 768 bytes, mip was 20428 bytes. So overall about 25% reduction in space, but about 97% reduction in mip size.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2348]

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Another new building. It was made using a very small mip - 64x98 - with heavy use of repeating textured polys. 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2356]

Wireframe model to show how just how many polys there are:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2357]

I tested it in both Rendition and regular DOS versions of the game. No apparent performance impact, despite the model consisting of approximately 112 textured polys on each side, or 448 polys total. We'll see if this continues to work if I had more buildings in the area. Ironically, this technique allows for much more detail on the building (compare this to the building in the foreground).

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(07-18-2024, 07:36 AM)checkpoint10 Wrote: ...........448 polys total..........

wow! good research SK! Grin3
You can do this building with 3 polys and a small texture, 4 times in width and 40 + times in height. It does not open in Ope but in the game it should. If you have a 32w * 16h px texture, you can write in the .3D   one of the vertices as  T=<127, 0>];  so it is repeated 4 times next to each other visually. Then in height  one of the vertices is  T=<0, 639>] for 40 stories. You can do a fake building with no repeated texture in ope but in your game folder the repeated one would work. Half pillar on the sides like in your picture is doable if it is more than 1 pixel wide on your texture, you just start counting at 1 instead of 0 then. The full pillar located on the left or right does not matter other side would be 126 instead of 127. Or one half both sides. You can precisely locate any of those while doing your mapping.
Hi Eddie, I thought about doing that, but I still believe I need to cut down on the number of mip files for compatibility with the Rendition game. For example, I may have one 256x256 mip with a bunch of textures for different buildings. In this case, I don't think I can use your technique for tiling textures because it would repeat the entire mip including all other textures in there.

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