
Full Version: How to make tracks and carsets
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I have an awesome friend who used to make tracks for NASCAR 1, like Kansas and Las Vegas. Unfortunately, I do not have those links as the tracks no longer work. He was darn good at making tracks. I called him when I woke up this morning, and in the middle of the conversation, he was talking about completing Chicagoland Speedway (2013 layout) for ICR2. I later asked him if he knewr how to make cars for the game. He told me no. So, I want to make the 2017 carset for the game. Does anybody know how to make cars in the game? If so, pls let me know. Special thanks from John.
Do you mean designing a new 3d model or painting new liveries for an existing car shape?
It has been 5 years since I have made a car set, which I gave to you, SimRacer134. And I have no idea how to make a track. I know how to edit existing carshapes in GP2, very easy. So, I forgot a little bit about how to make a car set in the game...