
Full Version: Dude, where's my car?
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Does anyone have a copy of my Champ 1997 carset and/or and of the individual cars I posted back in the day? (Must have been on the old forum, I can't find them here) The ones I recall are: 2 Simple Green cars, Duff Beer, Cowtown Racers, Borden's. Thanks. I finally got around to installing Windy!
Would it be on Simcyberworld by any chance:
(01-04-2022, 08:41 AM)checkpoint10 Wrote: [ -> ]Would it be on Simcyberworld by any chance:
The first iteration of the Borden's car is there (original body shape) (it won Car of the Month once) but the ones I'm looking for are all Reynards. Although now that I think of it, I did IRL versions of the Simple Green cars too.
I will take a look at my HD. Could take a few days, I had a external HD crash this weekend, so I am checking everything and making sure I haven't lost any data. 6TB of data is too much...
I remember a yellow/sliver combo. Was that the Borden car?
I'm pretty sure I have your carset on an old pendrive I have..I remember I downloaded a bunch back years ago. I will check and post it
(01-04-2022, 10:34 PM)Wolf_pd Wrote: [ -> ]I will take a look at my HD. Could take a few days, I had a external HD crash this weekend, so I am checking everything and making sure I haven't lost any data. 6TB of data is too much...
I remember a yellow/sliver combo. Was that the Borden car?
Yellow/white/ with a grey nose. And actually I think that may be in the set and didn't get posted separately.
edit: Actually it's in my 1998 set, which I've got the main carset; I'm missing the alternates that were in original distribution.
This is a 1997 set and a Duff beer car.

I haven't seen the rest (yet), but it is a pretty big folder.
and then and then and then and then!!!!

(01-09-2022, 08:31 AM)Wolf_pd Wrote: [ -> ]This is a 1997 set and a Duff beer car.

I haven't seen the rest (yet), but it is a pretty big folder.