
Full Version: Keyboard lagging Win10
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I have here an interesting phenomenon.
After several game crashes at Caesars Palace, I've got the suggestion to use the 1.02 patched version of the game. Since than, I didn't have any crashes there. I use the game mostly on my old notebook with Win7, because I can't get many tools to work with Win10.
But I have the game also on my new laptop with Win10, and there I have a serious lag with the keyboard control, while driving, which gets larger by time. So after 30s, it's impossible to drive, because the car reacts only half a second later. The most interesting thing is, that this happens only with the patched version of the game, the 1.00 version runs normal.

Do you have an idea, what's going on here?
my thoughts: Is this a dosbox problem?

What version of dosbox are you running?

Can you post your config file?
If it is a DOSBox problem, why doesn't it happen with the unpatched version?
(11-04-2021, 03:31 PM)Dennis Wrote: [ -> ]If it is a DOSBox problem, why doesn't it happen with the unpatched version?

I don't think any of us really know what they changed when they went to 1.0.2.

Just for the heck of it, why not try a different version of Dosbox to see if your problem goes away.

I had a joystick issue when I wanted to run my pedal and wheels with timed=true setting. A dosbox upgrade to the latest version of ECE fixed it for me.

Standard "run of the mill" dosbox hasn't had much development lately, but some of the more progressive forks are getting updated much more regularly.

This is why I like dosbox ECE.

I did look at your config file. I think you could get better performance with cycles = max, but I don't think that's your problem.
Is DOSbox spewing out a lot of errors while the game is running?
Now I can feel dumb. There is no technical issue, the problem sits in front of the screen Wall
(11-05-2021, 03:35 AM)Dennis Wrote: [ -> ]Now I can feel dumb. There is no technical issue, the problem sits in front of the screen Wall

oh no, what happened?

Did you have the steering controls set wrong in icr2?
I had automatic shifting on. That gave me the feeling, that everything is lagging, because the game shifts later, than I do. I hate this feeling, because I had such dreams several times, that I'm driving a car, and it doesn't reacts, like it should do.