It's strange if ICR2 rendition version has some kind of memory limit of 4MB (or 8MB) while Nascar 2 Rendition version has not.
From N2 readme:
If you only have 16MB of memory, we will automatically load in 4bit
textures at the tracks. This will cause some objects to look different
from the normal version. If you have 24MB or more, then we will load in
the normal 8bit textures at the tracks.
And this qoute are from ICR2 Readme:
Pentium computer or better, fully Intel compatible
8 MB RAM (for 4 bit cars and tracks)
12 MB RAM (for 8 bit cars and tracks)
Rendition based video card
I posted this on Vogons too since the wrapper developer is there, but I am also wondering if we can verify what exactly is the limit.
I was looking at the readme file for the Rendition ICR2 and saw this information (among other discussion of memory):
"The game prints a memory report at startup that shows the size of the texture heap (a buffer in system memory that must hold all textures) and the texture cache (a buffer in graphics card memory that holds textures temporarily) and the memory used by the rest of the game (the normal ICR2 memory hi / lo / all message, except these numbers reflect the amount free AFTER some buffers, especially the texture heap, are allocated)."
I ran INDYFAST.BAT which makes the game output the memory report and I saw the following:
Memory Check: 616944 LO 5414896 HI 6031840 ALL
Texture heap size: 6928 K
Texture cache size: 2166 K
This seems to suggest a texture limit of 6928K which is higher than 4 MB that we've been discussing.
I'm also following discussion of Vogons forum but I'm not registred there
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Texture heap - it's a buffer located in RAM to hold textures. When running game from DosBox amount of RAM is controlled by DosBox.cfg file.
Texture cache - is buffer in graphics card memory. Sharangad pointed that wrapper supports 128 MB VRAM but Speedy3D api is limited to 4MB. But still same Speedy3D api was used by Nascar 2/99 and Grand Prix Legends games with heavier tracks than we have in ICR2.
BTW can we make list of tracks tested with rendition game version? Which track can be laoded and which gives error. Maybe that give us a clue what may be wrong.
Hi Pavel,
I've tried a number of custom tracks and some do load:
Cleveland (your 1990 version)
Mid-Ohio (1990 version)
Meadowlands (1990)
Indy (ICR1 conversion)
These custom tracks that ive tried do not load:
Phoenix (n99 conversion)
Detroit Downtown
Michigan (n99 conversion)
Milwaukee (n99 conversion)
Portland (your 1990 version)
Laguna (your 1990 version)
I have tried all of the above tracks with default carshape carsets. I have noticed that the carset can have an effect on if a track loads. It is possible to load "Cart2k" carshape carsets in the Rendition version, but most of the above tracks do not work if you load them and only the original tracks load. Its also not possible to load the HQ tracks if using a Cart2k Carshape.
I think the carset polys or textures count as well in the total that the wrapper/card/game can output.
Add to the list of tracks that work -
samsepi0l's Long Beach 1996 (1.75 MB of textures)
Nashville (2.56 MB textures)
Houston (1.92 MB)
Miami 1995
Tracks that don't work -
1991 Long Beach (1.74 MB textures)
St. Pete 05
I am surprised that Nashville works because of all the weird stuff I did with the track geometry to get the two sides of the bridge close together. Trying to think of what else is different about Nashville compared to Detroit, where I am running into the loading problems. Notes on how I made Nashville:
- Nashville was when I was still placing TSOs the "traditional" way, where each individual TSO gets its own item in the ObjectLists (except as noted below)
- I combined about 6 buildings into a "Downtown" TSO and 8 buildings into a "Downtown South" TSO. These buildings had textures, so they are kind of like my neighborhoods in Detroit except with fewer objects.
- I combined several untextured TSOs to make a bridge TSO
- I used Noorok's converter to make the 3dos
I use Noorok's converter to do everything now. LB91 is majorly different than LB96 since it has such a grouped infield section like SK described in his method. (this is kind of mandatory since "LIST" won't work when things are dancing around in the infield.) Also LB91 has MRK where the public version of LB96 does not yet (I'm about halfway done) which would add more textures.